Tag Archive | sean w. o’connell

Jordan’s Queen Noor presses U.S. to reduce nuclear stockpile

English: A crop of a photo of Queen Noor of Jo...

Insisting “every nuclear weapon is a catastrophe waiting to happen,” Queen Noor of Jordan told Yahoo News on Tuesday that President Barack Obama must make good on a pledge he made in Prague in April 2009 to reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. The queen said it was incumbent on the United States to work in concert with Russia to reduce both countries’ nuclear arsenals in a process that could then coax other nuclear states to begin to disarm as well.

See  and read more about the interview with Queen Noor of Jordan 


The CIA’s Experiments on Children

The Hidden Tragedy of the CIA's Experiments on Children
(Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t😉

Bobby is seven years old, but this is not the first time he has been subjected to electroshock. It’s his third time. In all, over the next year, Bobby will experience eight electroshock sessions. Placed on the examining table, he is held down by two male attendants while the physician places a solution on his temples. Bobby struggles with the two men holding him down, but his efforts are useless. He cries out and tries to pull away. One of the attendants tries to force a thick wedge of rubber into his mouth. He turns his head sharply away and cries out, “Let me go, please. I don’t want to be here. Please, let me go.” Bobby’s physician looks irritated and she tells him, “Come on now, Bobby, try to act like a big boy and be still and relax.” Bobby turns his head away from the woman and opens his mouth for the wedge that will prevent him from biting through his tongue. He begins to cry silently, his small shoulders shaking and he stiffens his body against what he knows is coming.

Many of the experiments used drugs that have known side effects of neutropenia.

One of the commenters writes:

Thank you. I would add that these people were just a few of the many participating as CIA contractors out of Johns Hopkins, Georgetown University Hospital, and other prestigious institutions – always under the radar, of course, which is pretty convenient when you have a mission to be secret and a black budget. For those commenters who find it difficult to believe even after reading such a thoroughly supported article, just consider this was the tip of the iceberg. As for motive, it was ultimately about power and control. How much can the mind be manipulated for the “good” of mankind? How much can the brain and brain development be manipulated? (As was stated, the origins of these programs were in Nazi Germany and brought here thanks to a program called PROJECT PAPERCLIP.) I spent second half of the sixties, from age six to age 10 in a drug-induced daze or throwing up because of the effects of the drugs. My Naval Intelligence father – who had been led to believe I was in a “gifted child” program and was kept in the dark about what was being done – finally made the connection when he had to rush me to the hospital. He pulled me out of the program immediately, and was burned for his trouble and blacklisted for the rest of his life. (I actually had to be sent across the country to a safehouse; it might sound like a movie but I can assure you it was very very real and horrifying.) Our family has waited decades for more of this information to become public, hoping it was only a matter of time. There are good people working in the CIA with genuinely good intentions, but the CIA as an institution is an agent of absolute evil. It only takes one glance at the horror that is Blackwater (and there is a connection, but I won’t go into it here) to understand this.

Read More:

CIA Experiments on Children

Georgetown University Hospital Has History of Involvement with CIA Drug Experimentation

Central Intelligence Agency Seal

A long forgotten 1977 article in the New York times, reveals that the Central Intelligence Agency partnered with institutions, including Georgetown University Hospital, to test drugs on unwitting patients.  The CIA even contributed 375,000 towards construction of a GUH building.    The relationship was exposed through efforts of Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.

Georgetown University is also the school which the lawyer who is fighting to prevent Ariana-Leilani from getting a second opinion graduated, and also that of his own father.  A position at Georgetown University was used as cover for the father when he was in the CIA, as highlighted in his book, King’s Counsel

Read More: CIA Behavior Control Studies Reported in New York Times


Childrens Rights, Not Gun Rights, Needed in USA: The Case of 9 Year Old Ariana-Leilani Falling Through the Cracks in the USA

Watch the video broadcast of PressTV, December 19, 2012, reporting on Ariana-Leilani falling through the cracks, and the US Failure to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child after 20 years.  Why does the USA give more rights to gun owners than to children?
Ariana-Leilani Discussed On Press TV

Ariana-Leilani Discussed On Press TV

PressTV Reporter Marjon Asi writes:
The right to health, life, identity and protection from abuse. These are some of the major rights outlined in the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Almost every country in the UN is bound to it- except the United States and Somalia.

The UN NGO Innocence in Danger organized a press conference addressing this issue, stating the potential harm this may have on children in the United States. 

One example of the effects of US non-membership to the global children’s rights treaty is Ariana Leilani King, a ten year old girl with dual German-American citizenship, who has medical problems that organizers state are not being properly addressed by the U.S. government. 

For many Americans, this is a major cause of embarrassment, including President Obama who vowed to revive efforts to join the treaty when he first came to office in 2009. But three years later, this remains to be seen. 

Many children’s rights advocates are speaking out against the US position, demanding that the government ratify the treaty. 

Earlier this month the US Senate also voted against joining the UN Convention on the Rights of the Disable



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