Tag Archive | Barack Obama

Leutrell Osborne, Sr. Former CIA Case Officer, Joins Fight to Save Ariana-Leilani

WASHINGTON DC, and GENEVA –8 January 2014 — Dr. Ariel King, President and Chair of the Ariana-Leilani Children’s Foundation International, an internationally recognized advocate for children’s human rights, announced today that Mr. Leutrell M. Osborne, Sr., agreed to serve as the Vice-Chair of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.  Mr. Osborne is an ideal choice because he brings a unique perspective of channeling his international intelligence experience into global peace and harmony.

With the Foundation’s mission dedicated to the advocacy, education, global adoption and adherence of children’s’ human rights, based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Dr King has been selecting a team of experts since 2009 to help facilitate the treatment of Ariana-Leilani, a 10 year old, who is being denied access to medication that would save her life.  Said Dr. King, “I knew Mr. Osborne was the right person for the Foundation after reading Mr. Osborne’s memoir:  Black Man in the CIA (2012).  The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hired Mr. Osborne for 27 years and he served as a Case Officer, Communications Security Officer and more importantly, he was a Counter Intelligence officer who has experience identifying, analyzing and neutralizing adversaries in over 30 countries on 4 continents.  With his retirement from federal service in 1994, Mr. Osborne opened his services to domestic and international clients, like our Foundation, and his combination of experiences would add valuable insight into how to address the human
rights of children, including Ariana-Leilani Margarita Alexandra King-Pfeiffer.”

Mr. Osborne’s skill set is exactly what is required for the delicate situation of Ariana-Leilani, a 10-year old dual German/American citizen with a rare disorder, who is being denied access to life-saving medical treatments.  The Foundation’s attorney, Mr. Roy Morris, added, “Mr. Osborne brings a fresh perspective into this fight for children’s human rights, including those of Ariana-Leilani’s.  His experience and understanding of the inner workings of the intelligence community and the “dirty tricks” that some of its members sometimes undertake will be essential for our success.”

Mr. Osborne’s company, The Osborne Group International, improves company cultures and efficiencies for its clients by utilizing teams of skilled risk managers who perform organizational transformations to mitigate difficult business challenges that can arise either from the normal flow of business or from unanticipated contingencies.  Stated Mr. Osborne, “We’ve experienced a lot of challenging situations, similar to Ariana-Leilani’s, where everyone knows what they should do, but maneuvering within the system requires a lot of intelligence. That’s why I’m looking forward to working with Dr. King and the Foundation.  I can bring my expertise, experience, and network of relationships to provide an even higher standard of business, analysis, risk assessment and due diligence support.

Read more: Ariana-Leilani Children’s Foundation International

Identification of Child Abuse in Washington DC

Watch the video, sign the petition, save a life:

Documentary “Small Cries;” The Real Ariana-Leilani Story

GoPetition for ariana-leilani

Be Aware of the Prevalence of Abuse (Day 3 of 19 Days of Activism)

Day 3 of 19 Days of Activism for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Neglect:

Ariana-Leilani 1Selected facts and figures (UN sources)

  • As many as 150 million girls and 73 million boys worldwide are raped or subject to sexual violence each year, usually by someone in their family circle
  • Between 133 and 275 million children annually are estimated to witness domestic violence. Violence in the family, in the form of harsh punishment, is common in both industrialized and developing countries. Children in all regions have reported the physical and psychological hurt they suffer at the hands of their parents and caregivers
  • Corporal punishment, such as beating and caning is standard practice in schools in a large number of countries, and is often responsible for school drop-outs
  • Between 20 and 65 percent of school-age children report having been verbally or physically bullied • 126 million children and youth are involved in hazardous work, often enduring beatings, humiliation and sexual violence by their employers • Between 80 and 100 million girls are ‘missing’ from the world’s population – victims of gender-based infanticide, foeticide, malnutrition and neglect
  • 1.2 million children are trafficked each year
  • Institutionalized children – whether in orphanages or detention facilities – are at particular risk of violence from the staff responsible for their care, including torture, beatings, isolation, restraints, rape and harassment
  • People who are part of their lives perpetrate the majority of violent acts against children: parents, teachers, schoolmates, employers, and caregivers. In only 29 States has all violence against children been prohibited, leaving the vast majority of the world’s child population without adequate legal protection from violence
  • Violence against children extracts extraordinary costs to society, and is linked to lifelong social and health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder; depression; antisocial and aggressive behaviors; substance abuse; lung, heart, and liver disease; impaired academic and work performance; problematic peer relations; and greater involvement with the criminal justice system.

Ariana-Leilani suffers each and every day from abuse and neglect.  Sign her petition to get her the help she needs and to save her life.

GoPetition for ariana-leilani

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Ariana-Leilani Has Suffered from Five Years of Abuse and Neglect, But DC Officials Refuse to Protect Her (Day 2 of 19 Days of Activism)

Desmond Tutu Ariana-Leilani 1

Ariana-Leilani and Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu

Day 2 of 19 Days of Activism for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Neglect: It is time for the District of Columbia to stop protecting those that abuse and neglect children in the District of Columbia and ignore the human rights of its children.   Ariana-Leilani has been subject to abuse and neglect for five years, test results evidence her being given drugs that can cover up abuse and cause her severe chronic neutropenia.  But the District of Columbia has knowingly allowed her to be subject to such severe abuse and neglect, but has chosen to cover it up rather than protect her.  Unless she is given relief, she is likely to die.

Sign her petition to get her the help she needs and to save her life.

GoPetition for ariana-leilani

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The US Must Respect Human Rights, Stop Spying on Its Allies and Sign the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Official photographic portrait of US President...

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The recent revelations of US spying on allied leaders is part of a greater public relations problem of the US: appearing to exempt itself from the rules that apply to other countries.

The moral authority of the US is at an all time low, and the diminished view is, for the most part, the fault of the US itself.   Its failure to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) exemplifies the problem and is having detrimental life threatening effect on children in the US.

The US helped draft the UN CRC and even signed it when it was originally adopted.  However, after 20 years the US is the only developed country that has not ratified it.    The failure of the US to provide life saving medicine to dual citizen, German-American Ariana-Leilani after six years of suffering is a direct consequence of the US failure to respect the international rights of children living within its borders.

It is time for the US to respect 10 year old Ariana-Leilani’s rights and for the US to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  It is time for the US to join the rest of the world.

Join the thousands of others who have signed the petition urging President Obama to immediately take action to save Ariana-Leilani and to ratify the UNCRC.

GoPetition for ariana-leilani

Sign the Petitions to Come Together

The USA is in turmoil as the federal government is shut down because the politicians in Washington DC cannot get along.   Starbucks wants to help.

Washington DC is where Ariana-Leilani lives and where her illness, Severe Chronic Neutropenia, is going untreated.   Ariana-Leilani is known as the “Little Ambassador,” because she brings people together.

So, help the USA and help Ariana-Leilani by signing two petitions: one for her and one for the USA:


GoPetition for ariana-leilani

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The Millers’ three-year-old son, Evan, exhibited frequent symptoms of distress.  “People kept telling us he was just a cranky, colicky baby,” says Amanda.  At 12 weeks of age, Evan abruptly stopped taking any food and screamed when anyone touched his abdomen.  In the emergency room, it was determined that Evan had fluid in his abdomen and low blood sugar.  His blood wasn’t clotting and his kidneys and spleen were enlarged.  Most alarming, there were signs of liver failure.

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia diagnosed the condition as  tyrosinemia type 1, which is a rare metabolic disease.

The orphan drug Orfadin® was approved by FDA in 2002.  However, because Jon is self-employed as an auto mechanic, the family did not have insurance that would cover the cost of the drug.   Jon connected online with another parent who told him about NORD and its Patient Assistance Programs, which help patients obtain needed medications.  While other organizations and companies provide PAPs for medications today, NORD was the first to do so.

NORD partners with Rare Disease Therapeutics on a PAP for Orfadin®.  When Jon Miller called to inquire about that program, he spoke to Michelle Mortara, a patient assistance specialist.  NORD, the specialty pharmacy, and the company providing the drug.

Within one day, the medication arrived at the hospital, and little Evan and his parents were soon on their way home.  Today, Evan attends pre-school and “does all the things three-year-olds like to do,” his mother says.

Have Ariana-leilani have the same benefit of a cure.  Please Sign the petition to help save Ariana-Leilani.

GoPetition for ariana-leilani

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Read More: http://rarediseases.org/about/millers-story

Sign the Petition to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s March on Washington

Injustice in DC Must Be Eliminated

Injustice in DC Must Be Eliminated

Fifty years ago today, the civil rights movement convened hundreds of thousands on the mall in front of the Lincoln Memorial to raise awareness and push for equal rights for all Americans.  Fifty years later, we stand today with laws that ban discrimination on the basis of the color of a person’s skin.  However, that is not enough.

The United States still has not adopted any federal laws guaranteeing children their rights.  The USA has still been the only holdout in ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

10 Year old African-American Ariana-Leilani is still being treated as property,right in the shadows of the Lincoln Memorial.   Treated as subhuman, she is still being denied her right to life saving medicine and medical care.



The District of Columbia government stands idly by and does nothing to help her.   It is ironic that the very persons speaking at today’s event, including Mayor Gray and President Obama, hold the keys to her proper treatment.   They will speak of the fight that we must continue for civil rights.   But, their actions speak louder than their words.   Send them a message, to walk the walk, and don’t just talk the talk.

Sign the petition to help save Ariana-Leilani.

GoPetition for ariana-leilani

For me, the speech is specifically about the recognition that all of us are human beings, that we all have human rights and all of our human rights are equal. It doesn’t matter where you live, how you live, who you love, who your family is, how much money you have, we all start out being human beings. And to me, Martin Luther King was quite poignant in the fact that he was able to give that speech and allow people to see what he was talking about, that he was actually referring to our future in seeing children walking hand in hand.

Obama Speaks Out On Human Rights: It is Time to Defend Ariana-Leilani’s Rights, too.

English: President Barack Obama shares a momen...

In an interview on the Jay Leno show, President Obama stated:

Well, I’ve been very clear that when it comes to universal rights, when it comes to people’s basic freedoms, that whether you are discriminating on the basis of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, you are violating the basic morality that I think should transcend every country.  And I have no patience for countries that try to treat gays or lesbians or transgender persons in ways that intimidate them or are harmful to them.

Doesn’t 10 Year Old Ariana-Leilani, who lives in Washington DC’s Ward 3, have a right to life saving medical care?   Stop the discrimination against Ariana-Leilani.  Let’s stop the violation of her rights.

Read more: President Obama on Leno Show

After Five years, Washington DC Government Has Done Nothing to Help Ariana-Leilani

Vince Gray 10

Click to read the 2011 Letter to Mayor Vince Gray About Ariana-Leilani’s Plight

Ariana-Leilani lives in the Palisades Section, Ward 3, of Washington DC.   When the German government wrote to the US State Department begging them to come to the aid of Ariana-Leilani, the US State Department turned that request over the the District of Columbia because the US State Department believed that the District of Columbia had the authority to take action. Despite the fact that Ariana-Leilani goes to the Francis Scott Key School (Dana Place) in the DC Public School system, Washington DC — under the “leadership” of Mayor Vince Gray — has refused to take any action claiming itself to be a toothless tiger — claiming it lacked authority to do anything. (Read the letter to Mayor Vince Gray Concerning the plight of Ariana-Leilani)

Mayor Gray’s regrettable attitude has made many sorry they supported his election to the post of Mayor.   Washington DC has, unfortunately, become a cesspool of child abuse, with a CPS that is so incompetent that it has been under federal court monitor for over 20 years, and has been run by individuals, like Roque Gerald and James Toscano, with sex offense records.image of graph

If Martin is President Obama 35 Years Ago, Then Ariana-Leiliani is Michele 40 years ago.

Michelle Obama, official White House portrait.

President Obama courageously stated yesterday that his experience 35 years ago with discrimination were similar to those experienced by Trayvon Martin and other African-American’s like him now.    Ariana-Leilani is African-American, and her case highlights the second class treatment of children like her in the District of Columbia.    Its time for Ariana-Leilani to get life saving medicine and medical attention that she deserves.  Speak up for her, because she is not allowed to speak up for herself:


Make sure she gets the help she needs before it is too late.

Ariana-Leilani King Pfeiffer

Ariana-Leilani King Pfeiffer